Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cloverleaf Eyelet Sample

My fiance's younger sister's birthday is on the 11th. Yes, I know! Only one day to create something fabulous for her. (Actually all day today and until 6 tomorrow.) So here it is, I finally decided after many cast ons and several worked rows and just ripping them apart just as the knitting is beginning to feel like a routine. I found this cloverleaf eyelet design on and absolutely fell in love with it. Turns out I am getting good at this. :) Maybe soon I can advance to lace patterns and all that good stuff. I was just too afraid to try them and thank god I found this pattern. Just seeing the results gives me a lot more confidence in my knitting.

After christmas, my fiance's dad gave me a giftcard for Barnes and Noble. So I went with his mom and we picked out a baby knitting book. It is now, what, the middle of february and I have yet to actually start a project in that book. Just one will do, so it doesn't seem like I purchased the book for the cute baby pictures and adorable cover.

Seems like once I start a project, I end up thinking of other projects to start. At this rate I will never finish anything! My mind thinks faster than my hands can work or my lips can speak. *Sigh*

I'm thinking about participating in the Ravelympics. (Is that how it's spelled?) I don't know. We'll see. Or maybe next year, I'll definitely be a more advanced knitter by then. :)

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